What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.5
The Pharmacy Technology Solutions (PTS) team has worked hard to resolve certain identified issues in PharmaClik Rx. Review the list below for the Fixes, Enhancements and NAPRA Changes included in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.

Fixed: When a completed prescription is opened in Rx Detail, fields are no longer editable.
Fixed: Users that are set up in the Security folder with No Access to Patient Centre can no longer launch or log into Patient Centre.
Fixed: PharmaClik Rx no longer crashes when a primary doctor is added to Patient > Preferences.
Fixed: Scanned images attached to a prescription no longer display a white box when detailed.
Fixed: When Save Price Change is flagged in the Pricing Details window for a mixture, the total submitted cost is now calculated correctly for the next refill.
Fixed: On the Dossett Grid report, the strength, form and manufacturer now prints for the fourth medication listed.
Fixed: PharmaClik Rx no longer automatically adds the Diabetes condition on a patient's profile when the patient has a prescription for Metformin.
Fixed: An expiry date is no longer required for Dukoral.

Fixed: An 8.5" x 11" prescription attachment now zooms correctly in e-Verify.
Fixed: Thermal labels now print for prescriptions dispensed from an automated dispensing device, even if Skip Packaging is flagged on.

Fixed: Owe labels now print the DIN of the drug.

Enhancement: The auto-fill feature is now available for patients in a non-retail group.
Enhancement: New bill codes have been added for Smart Cards for easier identification from regular third party plans. For more information, see Smart Card Bill Codes.
Enhancement: When locked, bill codes are now retained for reauthorization requests.
Enhancement: Narcotic prescriptions sent to a Central Fill location, and filled by a PACMED or VBM, can now be set to Central Fill Print Only. This prevents inventory from being decremented at the Central Fill location and only print labels.
Enhancement: The patient's History tab now only shows one years' worth of information. A Show All button has been added to show all entries in the patient's History tab.
Enhancement: The Completed tab now only shows 30 days' worth of information. A Show All button has been added to show all prescriptions in the Completed tab.
Enhancement: A Special Services Code (SSC) field has been added to the Batch Profile window. Any SSC's associated to a prescription can be viewed and edited in this field.
Enhancement: A Double Count Narcotics preferences has been added in More > Pharmacy. If selected, a Double Count Rx note displays in:
- The prescriptions Notes tab
- Rx Detail > Alerts
For more information, see Double Counting Preferences.
Enhancement: A Double Count preference has been added in Patient > Preferences. If selected, a Double Count Rx note displays in:
- The prescriptions Notes tab
- Rx Detail > Alerts
For more information, see Double Counting Preferences.
Enhancement: Prescriptions can be reversed with a trace number from Rx > Correct if processed through a third party that uses the TELUS switch. For more information, see Trace Number Reversal.

Enhancement: A Patient Administration Assessment section has been added to the flu form.

Enhancement: In Workbench > Workflow, the Total column has been replaced with a Delivery column.
Enhancement: A Medication Record and Narcotic Receipt can be printed from Rx > Reprint even if the pharmacy level preference is turned off.
Enhancement: If either of the following preferences is selected:
- Double Count Narcotics pharmacy preference
- Double Count patient preference
A Double Count field displays in the Packaging tab. The employee's user initials are entered to confirm double counting was performed.
Enhancement: A Double Count field has been added in e-Verify > Technical Validation > Prescription Information and displays the user initials entered in the Packaging tab.
Enhancement: Pharmacists now have the ability to add follow-up notes in e-Verify > Dialogue > Notes.
Once the note is added, pharmacists must select Add Note to ensure it is saved.
Enhancement: The Dialogue Not Required flag in e-Verify > Clinical Review is automatically flagged for HOLD prescriptions.
Enhancement: A Skipped UPC field has been added on the e-file copy to track which user selected Skipped UPC in the Packaging tab.
Enhancement: Prescriptions dispensed by automated dispensing devices (ScriptPro, Parata and CountAssist) will automatically bypass the packaging step and print vial labels after processing.

Enhancement: Pharmacists can now sign a prescription after providing consultation.

Enhancement: Notes sent from a prescriber through PrescribeIT® are recorded as a prescription note and display in:
- The prescription's Notes tab
- Rx Detail > Alerts
Enhancement: The prescription note "Doctor Notes Exist, Review PrescribeIT® order." has been removed.
NAPRA Changes

Enhancement: A Master Formula button has been added to the Mixture folder. This opens the Master Formulation Record window where all necessary information for a non-sterile preparation is documented. For more information, see Creating a Basic Mixture or Creating a Dynamic Mixture.
Enhancement: A Print Recipe button has been added to the Mixture folder. This prints the Mixture Breakdown Report based on a specified quantity, expiry date and LOT #.
Enhancement: The Mixture Breakdown Report has been enhanced to align with NAPRA standards. Information entered in the Master Formulation Record window will print on this report. To learn more, see Mixture Breakdown Report.
Enhancement: A supplementary information label now prints with a mixture prescription.
Enhancement: The Attachments tab in the Mixture folder has been enhanced to allow attachments flagged as Print to automatically print with prescriptions.
Enhancement: Mixture interaction checking has been enhanced to allow interaction checking with all active ingredients in a mixture.