What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF5 Patch 8
Click the dropdowns below to see the Fixes and Enhancements included in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF5 Patch 8.

When Group > 'Preferences' tab > 'Auto-Dispensing' button > 'Allow Auto-Dispensing' preference is set to 'Default', prescriptions for patients in this group can now be enrolled in AutoFill without error and will move from the 'In Progress' tab to the 'Completed' tab upon completion.

The vial copy's SIG contents should no longer overlap with its CountAssist barcode.

The logic for retrieving the 'Last Disp' qty value for the Technical Validation window has been corrected; Instead of displaying the Qty from the last prescription in the Audit History chain (regardless of prescription status), it displays the Qty only from the last Completed or Amended prescription in the Audit History chain.

Accessed via the Patient Folder > '3rd Party' tab > Add BC or BX Bill Code > Help button, the contact phone number for Medavie Blue Cross plans has been updated. This number can be accessed toll-free from anywhere in Canada.

PharmaClik Rx users in Prince Edward Island can now update the details of a Reaction that was added to a patient's Condition, and these updates will transmit to the DIS.