What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF5 Patch 7
Click the dropdowns below to see the Fixes and Enhancements included in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF5 Patch 7.

Thermal labels can now be reprinted for prescriptions that were filled by a user that has since been removed.
Labels for subsequent prescriptions should no longer fail to print.

A PharmaClik Rx user's password should not display in the browser's address bar while Patient Centre is loading.

The PrescribeIT® Patient Compare window should no longer fail to display data from the PrescribeIT® patient registry when the backend BundleID is greater than a certain value.

When a prescription is manually reversed, a 'Record Dispense Reversal' message should now transmit to the DIS. Any electronic cancellations that were not successfully transmitted to third party adjudicators will be skipped as per existing process.

Transfers of cancelled first-fills (new chains and reauthorizations) no longer bypass NS DIS. When the first-fill of a new or reauthorized prescription is cancelled, the prescription is aborted on the EHR by the DIS. To align PharmaClik Rx with the EHR, the option to retain the repeats when refusing a first-fill is no longer available. If needed, re-enter the prescription details. If a transfer out is performed on the re-entered prescription, transfer information will be communicated to the NS DIS.
When a prescription is Removed, its attachments are removed as well (not the case in Propel Rx). If your store uses Digital Workflow and shreds original prescriptions upon data entry, it is recommended that you retain the original prescriptions for a selected period of time going forward as a result of the Patch 7 change (instead of shredding). This is necessary to comply with record retention regulations in case prescription re-entry is needed and can be used as a reference during Data Entry and Technical Validation.
Before Removing a prescription, evaluate if the intention is to retain it on the PharmaClik Rx Patient Profile. If so, the prescription will need to be re-entered. Select Cancel first and print the hard copy/EVerify Report and all its attachments. You can then go back and Remove the prescription then re-enter it using the printouts from the Removed prescription as a guide. Retain the hard copy or EVerify Report and attachments of the Removed prescription to cross-reference to the newly-entered prescription.

Data in the THS window is now automatically cleared at regular intervals to improve the speed of claims adjudication.

The Help window, accessed from the Patient Folder's Third Party tab, was updated for the MDM third party plan: Group ID has been added and Client ID details have been updated. While some MDM patients do not have a Group ID, MDM has started to issue them to their more recent clients.
Group ID: 1 - 10 digits, if it exists
Client ID: 9 - 11 characters (may contain numeric and/or alpha characters)