What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.4
The Pharmacy Technology Solutions (PTS) team will be releasing PharmaClik Rx 2.4 to all provinces.
PTS team has been working hard to resolve certain identified issues. Select the arrow to review sections below for Fixes and Enhancements included in PharmaClik Rx 2.4.

Fixed: The Batch Scan feature now recognizes the same barcodes on a prescription.
Fixed: The prompt for mixture or reconstituted medications expiry entry is now correct.
Fixed: The expiry entry prompt for mixtures or reconstituted medications expiry entry is now correct.
Fixed: The Expiry Date for mixtures or reconstituted medications now saves.
Fixed: The solid line at the bottom of each grid in the Dossett Grid report displays.
Fixed: HOLD prescriptions now go to the Validation tab in e-Verify.
Fixed: MI code is not retained when changing a drug from brand to generic.
Fixed: e-Verify now does not crash when a drug has two companion products.
Fixed: e-Verify now does not crash when a drug does not have a drug picture.

Fixed: Single/Duplex scanning defaults to color in BC store database.

Fixed: When a mixture prescription is filled with a negative PIN, it now transfers over to Alberta Netcare.

Enhancement: Auxiliary label positions can now be prioritized in the Auxiliary tab by using the new Move Down and Move Up buttons.
Enhancement: Forced taxes for professional services have been removed so the pharmacist can decide to charge tax or not.
Enhancement: A Default Wait Status can be set for new and refill prescriptions in More > Pharmacy > Workflow > Workbench.
Enhancement: Delivery is now an option for Wait Status when refilling or creating a new prescription.
Enhancement: A new Lot # field has been added in the drug files of medications that require preparation.
Enhancement: The Mixture Expiry Date can now be more than 180 days.
Enhancement: A new Print Opioid Auxiliary Label preference for half labels has been added in Label Preferences. When selected, the opioid auxiliary label prints in position 1.
Enhancement: As per NAPRA requirements, mixture and preparation drugs Expiry & Lot # will print on an auxiliary label. By default, the expiry and lot number will print on the auxiliary label in position 2, but the position can be changed in Label Preferences.
Enhancement: A new Alternate Days starting on drop down has been added to the Rx Detail - Administration Details window to select what day alternate day dosing begins on.

Enhancement: In Workflow Preferences, notes that display in e-Verify can be selected. Notes that can be displayed are:
- Prescription
- Patient
- Doctor
- Drug
Enhancement: A new Exclude Addiction Rxs preference for thermal labels displays when Narcotic Pickup Receipt is selected in Label Preferences.
Enhancement: When printing a shrink thermal label, a regular vial copy will also print.
Enhancement: The Status column now displays in the e-Verify workbench.
Enhancement: The date and time format has been updated in the e-Verify workbench to be consistent with PharmaClik Rx.
Enhancement: HOLD prescriptions are now organized at the bottom of the e-Verify workbench.
Enhancement: In Clinical Review > Prescription Information, Alternate Drug has been updated to Previous Drug. This displays the previous drug if a formulary change was made.
Enhancement: In Dialogue, a Rejected checkbox has been added to identify if a patient has rejected pharmacist consultation.
Enhancement: Snap Caps will appear in red under patient information and prescription information, if selected.
Enhancement: When a prescription is rebilled or amended, a prompt displays to select where in the workflow the prescription should be placed.
Enhancement: A new print feature now allows you the select what to reprint:

Enhancement: For all retail groups, a Skip Workflow option has been added. When a prescription is processed that has Dossett and/or Blister selected, the prescription:
- Prints based on the label preferences set in the group.
- Skip the packaging and e-verification steps of paperless workflow.
- Set to Waiting for Pickup/Delivery.

Enhancement: The hardcopies now include additional checks for daily laser, half label and file copies:
- Id Check
- Allergy
- PharmaNet
- Drug Therapy Issues
- Final Check
- Consultation

Enhancement: Special Services Codes are now retained for re-authorized and HOLD prescriptions during batching.

Enhancement: For OHIP+ patients (No-Private-Insurance Declaration):
- A Consent button has been added in the patient’s 3rd Party tab if 24 years and under and when the drug benefit is an active third party.
- A form must be signed by the patient or agent to confirm that, at the time of filling, they do not have private insurance.
- The form can either be printed and signed or be signed using an e-signature pad.
Enhancement: The ODB/Trillium deductible will show on the thermal label Official Receipt.