What's New in Patient Centre 3.1
The Pharmacy Technology Solutions (PTS) team will be releasing Patient Centre 3.1 to select provinces. See below for the list of enhancements that have been made to Medication Review and the Flu Module.
Medication Review
Medication review enhancements have been made to British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI. Use the drop downs below to view information for your province.

Enhancement: The patient's signature can now be captured at any point during the medication review. Select the new Patient Signature button found at the bottom of all tabs of the Medication Review to obtain the patient's signature.
Enhancement: The Best Possible Medication History (BPMH) form and BPMH Pro form for an MR-F has been updated to include the Name and the License # of the pharmacist who completed a MR-S or MR-PC within the last 365 days.

Enhancement: In the Medication Record tab, a new mandatory field has been added to confirm if the patient is taking any non-prescription or natural health products at the time of the medication review.

Enhancement: If No Known Allergies or No Known Conditions are selected in PharmaClik Rx > Patient Profile > Clinical Tab, this selection now displays in Patient Centre > Patient > Clinical Information.
Enhancement: The Physician Communication Letter has been updated to include:
- Doctor address
- Doctor phone number
- Doctor fax number

Enhancement: The patient's signature can now be captured at any point during the medication review. Select the new Patient Signature button found at the bottom of all tabs of the Medication Review to obtain the patient's signature.
Enhancement: The Physician Communication Letter has been updated to include:
- Doctor address
- Doctor phone number
- Doctor fax number

Enhancement: The patient's signature can now be captured at any point during the medication review. Select the new Patient Signature button found at the bottom of all tabs of the Medication Review to obtain the patient's signature.
Enhancement: If No Known Allergies or No Known Conditions are selected in PharmaClik Rx > Patient Profile > Clinical Tab, this selection now displays in Patient Centre > Patient > Clinical Information.

Enhancement: In the Medication Record tab, the Quick Comments button has been relocated from the Pharmacist Comments text box to the Comments for MedsCheck Record text box.

Enhancement: The eligibility rules to receive Basic Medication Review Serivce (BMRS) have been updated. The patient must:
- be a beneficiary of Nova Scotia Pharmacare, with a MS or MF bill code in the 3rd Party tab.
- not be in a nursing home.
- not be receive compliance packaging, such as blister or dossett packaging.
- have at least 3 activate, complete Schedule 1 drugs.
- only have one BMRS a year.
Enhancement: The Physician Communication Letter has been updated to include:
- Doctor address
- Doctor phone number
- Doctor fax number

Enhancement: The Physician Communication Letter has been updated to include:
- Doctor address
- Doctor phone number
- Doctor fax number

Flu Module
The following enhancements only affect provinces with the Flu Module - British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI.
Enhancement: The Flu Consent Form has been enhanced to display all information on one page and to display the store's logo if a logo is set in More > Pharmacy. If no logo is set, this section remains blank.
Enhancement: The Patient Centre Flu Consent module has been enhanced to reflect the updated Flu Consent Form.