Every day your pharmacy is throwing away money. Your money.

As an independant pharmacy owner, every dollar counts. Are you sure your pharmacy is maximizing the return on every prescription filled? On a daily basis, quantity errors, third party underbilling, and improper pricing all contribute to lower gross margin dollars. 


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Discover what this program can mean to your bottom line.

There is no financial risk to participate. It's 100% risk free. Let us show you what this program can mean to your bottom line. (Available in Alberta, Ontario, New Bruswick and Nova Scotia - included in Propel Rx.)


Claim Revenue Optimization was developed specifically to help you keep those dollars where they belong - in your pocket!


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  Image is a piggy back with a diagram of what's included with CRO

Save money without thinking about it.

Learn how pharmacies have seen a revenue increase per claim translating into thousands of dollars per year. Discover how CRO seamlessly integrates into your current workflow, helping you keep hard-earned money in your pharmacy.


Already a customer?

Visit the CRO information page on the PTS portal.


Do you have questions? We're here to help.

Reach out anytime. We look forward to hearing from you.




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